Caracteristicas Microscopicas Del Liquido Cefalorraquideo Pdf카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 19. 11:01
- Caracteristicas Microscopicas Del Liquido Cefalorraquideo Pdf Gratis
- Que Es El Liquido Cefalorraquideo
ResultsThe study included 55 patients with a median age of 6 years. Histological diagnoses were pilocytic astrocytoma (40%), anaplastic ependymoma (16.4%), ganglioglioma (10.9%), glioblastoma (7.3%), medulloblastoma (5.5%), and other (20%). Tumours could also be classified as low-grade (64%) or high-grade (36%). Mean ADC was 1.3 for low-grade tumours and 0.9 for high-grade tumours ( p =.004).
Caracteristicas Microscopicas Del Liquido Cefalorraquideo Pdf Gratis
Mean ADC ratios were 1.5 and 1.2 for low and high-grade tumours respectively ( p =.025). There were no significant differences in ADC/ADC ratio between different histological types.
Que Es El Liquido Cefalorraquideo
Cultivo y Frotis de Liquido Cefalorraquideo Lcr. Liquido cefalorraquideo. COMPOSICION DEL LIQUIDO INTRACELULAR. A diferencia del medio extracelular, en el interior de la c Resultados del estudio citol. Fondo del recipiente que los contiene las mol. 2 Tipo de fuerzas moleculares. CARACTERISTICAS FISICO - QUIMICAS Y COMPOSICION.